Founder of Adventures with Purpose Search & Rescue Team Arrested for Allegedly Raping 9-Year-Old Girl

Jared Leisek, the pioneer behind well known YouTube volunteer hunt and salvage plunge group Undertakings with Reason, has been captured for purportedly assaulting an underage young lady over thirty years prior in Utah, as per court reports got by Individuals.

On Jan. 5, Leisek, 47, was set up for the Sanpete Region Prison on a solitary kid assault charge, prison records show. No bail data was quickly accessible.

A criminal grievance recorded by examiners toward the beginning of November 2022 demonstrates Leisek was somewhere in the range of 16 and 17 years of age at the hour of the supposed sets of assaults against a young lady who was 9 and afterward 10 out of 1992. Utah doesn’t have a legal time limit for assault. However specialists at first accused Leisek of two counts of assault, a reasonable justification testimony delivered on Jan. 10 shows that one of the charges has been dropped and the date of a supposed experience has been changed.

The second claimed assault, which evidently happened at a grandparent’s home, has likewise been taken out from the refreshed reports. It isn’t promptly clear why.

Leisek’s ongoing charge originates from an occurrence that supposedly occurred in the supposed casualty’s room in Ephraim, Utah, between Jan. 1, 1992, and Dec. 31, 1992, “when the litigant stuck the casualty to the ground” and constrained intercourse, the archives assert. Leisek and the young lady are cousins, investigators guaranteed.

Undertakings With Reason lead jumper Doug Diocesan recently told Individuals he was sucker punched by the claims against Leisek.

“These charges are significant. What purportedly happened quite a while back shouldn’t detract from the astonishing work the group has done in this world throughout the course of recent years. The [courts] will compose the closure of this story. The gatherings included will have their voices heard,” Priest said.

Experiences With Reason’s ascent to YouTube popularity started in 2020, when the group out of the blue and unexpectedly started recuperating human remaining parts in vehicles caught underneath Portland waters during natural cleanup missions. As of January, its channel had almost 3,000,000 endorsers.

The group additionally stood out as truly newsworthy the previous summer when they recuperated the vehicle and collection of missing northern California adolescent Keily Rodni.

It is hazy in the event that Leisek has entered a request. His lawyer, Randall Richards, didn’t promptly return Individuals’ solicitation for input.

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