ID’s Homicide City: What happened to George Volz?

78-year-old George Volz was beaten and choked to death in Southwest Philadelphia in May 1998. His neighbor Ramel Anderson ended up being the guilty party.

A couple of days after the fact, Volz’s family found his decaying body and quickly educated the police. They likewise tracked down indications of constrained passage into the house.

Watch Examination Disclosure’s most recent episode of Murder City as they dive into the subtleties of the case. The episode, which is a piece of their Risk Returns home series is scheduled to air on January 10 at 6 PM.

“At the point when 78-year-old George Volz’s family finds him hogtied and breaking down in his Philadelphia line house, police turn the old man’s neighbors for help.”Exploring the conditions around George Volz’s passing
George Volz was carrying on with a resigned life in his Philadelphia home throughout the previous 50 years. He moved into the area during the 1940s and was making some tranquil memories.

Volz was depicted as an adorable individual and a normal fixer in the area. He was likewise near two of his relatives – his brother, Frank, and his nephew, Joseph.

George’s family chose to monitor him when they didn’t hear from him for a couple of days. On May 24, 1998, when Frank and Joseph thumped on the entryway, no one replied. After both of them advanced inside the house, they found Volz’s breaking down body, and promptly educated the police about it.

As per the specialists, Volz was hogtied and killed. At the point when his body was found, he had a bedsheet tied around his neck, alongside an electrical line.

Upon additional examination, it was uncovered that George had been choked and had been choked with a material.

The examiners accepted that Ramel entered Volz’s loft through the cellar window of the house. He later tormented George for his ATM pin when the bank card didn’t work.

In spite of the horrifying way in which Volz was killed, the case went cold because of an absence of proof that could lead the specialists to the executioner. Nonetheless, a significant lead by a detainee prompted the case being resumed, at long last reducing upon the executioner.

The prisoner distinguished Anderson’s grainy picture got on the CCTV camera of an ATM. This was the primary lead that the agents got hold of.

Notwithstanding the proof against him, Anderson disproved that he had killed George. He denounced someone else named Brad, saying that the last option had gotten some information about Volz’s personal residence. He even guaranteed that he had seen Brad with Volz’s bank card and his vehicle.

Upon additional scrutinizing, Anderson conceded to having utilized George’s card yet declined to having utilized his vehicle. Be that as it may, his assertions were not predictable with the proof.

The DNA of the hair follicles found steering the ship in the vehicle matched those of Anderson’s, which was sufficient proof for the examiners to capture him.

Ramel Anderson was accused of second-degree murder, thievery, and burglary in Walk 2006. He was likewise concurred a lifelong incarceration a couple of months after the fact. He is as of now spending time in jail at the State Remedial Establishment – Mahanoy in Frackville, Pennsylvania.

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