Richard Simmons Posts Message to Fans After Documentary Debuts About His Disappearance

Richard Simmons is standing up following the telecom of a story focused on his whereabouts and his years-long calm.

The 74-year-old health image took to Facebook and communicated, “Thank you, everyone, for your thought and love! ❤️. Love, Richard.” The post was joined by a happy face emoji holding a “Thank You!” sign. It’s the initial time in a long time since Simmons watched out for his fans directly.

The post similarly came not long after Fox flowed TMZ Investigates: What Really Happened to Richard Simmons. The story focused in on Simmons disappearing from the public eye, and it similarly uncovered that issues with his knees is the support for why he’s kept away from the spotlight so long.

According to various reports, Simmons has not been found without really trying to hide beginning around 2014. He evidently got back to into the Today show in 2016 to negate claims that his servant was keeping him secured.

Again following a really long time of being secluded, Simmons by and by gives off an impression of being accessible to talk with general society, since his Facebook message isn’t the principal way he’s gotten out the word. The New York Post got a statement from Simmons’ rep, Tom Estey, who offered a report on Simmons’ prosperity and current life.

“Richard is on and on grateful for the predictable flood of veneration and appreciation he has gotten from across the Globe,” Estey told The Post. “He is euphoric, strong and continuing with the ordinary routine he has chosen to encounter.”

Moreover, Estey similarly avowed to the power source that it was Simmons himself who appropriated his own Facebook post. According to The Post, that Facebook post was his most memorable open correspondence with fans in a long time.

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