Who is Amanda Kohberger? Bryan Kohberger sister’s horror slasher movie goes viral for eerie resemblance to Idaho murders

On Friday, December 30, 28-year-old Bryan Kohberger was captured for the deadly stabbings of four College of Idaho understudies in Moscow, Idaho.

As specialists and examiners dug further into the suspect’s experience, they found that his sister, Amanda Kohberger, had acted in a slasher film that has since circulated around the web because of its similarity to the slaughter. The film, named Two Days Back, portrays the stabbings of a few undergrads.

In a meeting with TMZ, Two Days Back chief Kevin Aid let correspondents know that he was stunned by the association between his film and the new November 13 slaughter. He expressed that Amanda Kohberger never referenced her brother during the shooting.

Meauwww revealed that 34-year-old Amanda Kohberger is as of now situated in Pennsylvania, where she functions as an authorized school guide. She was available, alongside the remainder of the suspect’s family, during the legal procedures.

According to Letterboxd media, Two Days Back follows a gathering of “ecologically cognizant understudies” who travel to a rugged region to research unlawful foresting. Nonetheless, throughout their excursion, individuals from their gathering begin to vanish as an incredible takes them out individually. In the film, Amanda Kohberger plays Lori, one of the numerous youngsters designated by the killer.

As netizens investigate the suspect’s life, the film has reemerged because of supposed similitudes to the wrongdoing, however the main genuine likenesses are that both the film and the Moscow, Idaho, case included understudies who were wounded.

Fox revealed that in the November 13 case, the suspect was blamed for entering the home of the College of Idaho understudies prior to cutting the four casualties to death in the early hours of the morning. Two flat mates, who were likewise in the home at that point, were not hurt in the assault.

The New York Post detailed that all through the examination, the suspect’s phone action showed that he had been in the space of the casualties’ homes no less than multiple times before the killing. Specialists asserted that he followed them for a really long time and explored the area to design the stabbings.

In a meeting with New York Post columnists, Kevin Shelter shouted his shock at the association between the genuine killings and his 2011 film.

He said: Talking about Kohberger’s sister, Shelter said:

“I recall her well. I coordinated the film, composed the film, I cast her. She is a beautiful lady, who was exceptionally great. I enjoyed her a great deal.”

In a meeting with NBC journalists, Monroe Area Boss Public Protector Jason LaBar said that the suspect’s family doesn’t really accept that he is liable.

“They don’t trust it to be Bryan. They can’t trust this. They’re clearly stunned. This is positively all the way unusual, the claims, and truly they’re simply attempting to be steady with the comprehension that these four families have endured misfortune.”

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