Who was Country Boy Eddie Burns? Tributes pour in as Alabama TV legend dies aged 92

Notable TV character Gordon Edwards Consumes, otherwise called Guy from the sticks Eddie Consumes, died on January 13 at 92 years old.

Gordon’s family didn’t reveal the reason, however said that he was at his home in Fighter, Alabama, when he died. Their assertion read:

“He was a pioneer for both the Alabama music and TV scenes, and his commitments will keep on living on. The Consumes family might want to stretch out our true appreciation to the watchers, fans, performers, and every other person who made his life so extraordinary.”
Guy from the sticks Eddie Consumes is made due by his child Doyle and three grandkids.

Recognitions for Guy from the farm Eddie Consumes on his demise at age 92

Gordon Edwards Consumes earned respect over the course of the years as the host of the Guy from the farm Eddie Show on WBRC-television. Radio character TJ Armstrong communicated his pain on Facebook by composing that he had talked with numerous famous people, yet Gordon was his number one. Armstrong likewise referenced that Consumes generally advanced nearby ability, and went on by expressing:

“Eddie and I had proactively laid out a kinship preceding me beginning my vocation as the host of the “Dixie Gospel Convoy,” warming the seat recently involved by the unbelievable Wayne Wallace. Since Wayne and Eddie were companions likewise, he was exceptionally anxious to have been on my show a few times.”

TJ expressed that in one of his meetings, Eddie had inquired as to whether he got an opportunity to rest thinking about that he stayed occupied all day long. TJ answered by saying that he stayed live for a couple of hours and the rest was pre-recorded. Further, TJ added that he altered his meeting and was glad to hear how it sounded.

He said that his audience members likewise let him know that pieces of his show were pre-recorded, and referenced:

“I called Eddie, who had heard exactly the same thing, and he snickered more enthusiastically than I have heard anybody giggle.”
Twitter was overflowed with accolades when individuals found out about his downfall:

Born on December 13, 1930, Guy from the farm Eddie Consumes fostered an interest in public broadcasts at 10 years old. He bought a fiddle when he was 13 years of age and prepared himself to play it.

He performed with the band Blissful Hal Consumes on the Intersection Theatrical presentation on WBRC-AM and later went on visits with the band. He worked with a mental fighting unit during the Korean Conflict and sang on the Military Studio Organization in Korea, Japan, and Hawaii.

Gordon then, at that point, joined WILD-AM as a circle jockey for program chief Warren Musgrove. He then worked for WLBS-AM, WLPH-AM, and a water park in Cascades USA. He performed at around 500 live occasions and later shaped his own band that performed interestingly on the Tom York Morning Show on WBRC-television.

Gordon was for the most part known as the host of the Guy from the sticks Eddie Show, which was communicated on around 100 stations. Consumes reported his retirement in December 1993 and the Alabama Music Corridor of Distinction granted him the 2001 Media Grant. He was living in Blount Province with his significant other Edwina and child Doyle. Edwina died in 2016.

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